SimpleKeys 2
SimpleKeys 2 is a complete rewrite of the popular f-key shortcut program. Now in addition to programing your function keys, SimpleKeys allows you to...
- Specify what applications a shortcut is active in.
- Execute an action with any key combination
- Now types as fast as the recieving application can accept keystrokes
- Create Macros by combining multiple actions under a single KeyStroke
- Import and Export Settings
- Supports drag and drop of shortcuts to and from the items list. This allows you to email a shortcut to a friend, or save it for later.
- Execute AppleScripts on the files selected in the finder or using the text on the clipboard.
- Supports all special accented characters.
- Type text, including the date, the text on the clipboard, and any KeyCombo (ie. Apple-S to save a file)
- Paste text, including the date.
- Pause to wait for events to complete.
- Launch a file with the default application, or with a specific application.
- Open a URL in your default web browser.
Be sure SimpleKeys is included in your Accessibility Settings in System Preferences or it will not function properly!

(note that v2.6+ is a paid update) If the DMG file doesn't mount on your system, try the .ZIP version
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