A significant update to DataView is now available!
This update Improves a handful of visual and internal items along with adding the ability to draw your own scrollers with minimal effort.
- [All] Added PaintScroller event to allow custom scroller painting
- [All] Added LockedColumnSeparatorColor to allow setting the color use to highlight the edge of locked columns
- [All] More work on cell borders and gridlines
- [All] Added breaker to prevent self perpetuating render loop in rowWillRender
- [All] Using thin dotted cell borders now looks more natural with locked rows or columns
- [All] Fixed a possible hang when dragging expanded folder row
- [All] New animation technique for dragging columns. Should be more fluid and consistent.
- [All] Row dragging reorder animation now truer to AnimationDuration property
- [All] Dragging rows with locked columns now renders locked columns properly aligned
- [All] Fix for horizontal scroller not hiding when scrolled to right maximum
- [All] Autohide scrollers hide interval consistency improved
- [Win Linux] Fixed issues with scrollpast not triggering snapback behavior
- [Win Linux] Fixed issue where scrolling past top of list behaved differently from bottom of list
- [Win Linux] Fix for disclosure triangle not rendering correct state
- [Mac] Now uses NSScrollview to control scrolling when native usenativescrollers is false