
DataView is now available. Release Notes: [Bug] Fixed an issue that could cause LastIndex value to be wrong when adding rows with a sortcolumn selected.[Bug] Setting a cell value in the sorted column now causes the sort to be performed. [Performance] Improved ProgressBar rendering[Performance] Now invalidates cell when setting value rather than refresh … Read more


DataView is now available! [Bug] Fix for failed zoom gestures when window is resized.[Bug] No longer requires constant redrawing scrolling layer when scrolling in raster mode. [Linux] removed code preventing compile with Xojo pre 2017r2 [Mac] Fixed scrollerbounds on retina displays with locked columns set [Mac] Fixed header drawing with vibrant header … Read more

DataView 1.13.3 Now Available

DataView has been updated to 1.13.3. This update includes: 1.13.3 [Bug] Fixed column lookups with AccessColumnsByInsertionOrder set. Specifically cellClick, columnByTitle, columnByFieldName, cellHelpTag and FocusCell.[Bug] Fixed alignment offset for dateChooser cells.[Bug] Fixed some more issues with scrollbars covering part of last column [Mac] Fixed native scrollbar alignment 1 pixel error

DataView 1.13.2 Now Available!

DataView and piDogScrollingCanvas 1.13.2 are now available for download. Added AlignmentVertical and AlignmentHorizontal properties to piDogScrollingCanvas Fixed jitteryness when resizing window with empty rows in DataView Fixed an issues where returning true from MouseDown breaks other functionality Fixed black lines on the edges of header above vertical scrollbar.

DataView 1.13.1

I’ve updated DataView and piDogScrollingCanvas to v1.13.1 Check out the details here!

DataView v1.13

DataView 1.13 is now available! This update includes several important bug fixes and optimizations.