A CellContainer is a container control that can be used as an interface in a cell in a dataView.
To create your own custom cell containers:
1) Use piDogDataView.CellContainer as the super of a containerControl. Layout the container in the IDE as usual.
2) Handle the PopulateValues event to load values from the DataView or other data storage mechanism into the controls in the container.
3) Handle the DepopulateValues event to set the container to default values and read any changes the user has made back into the dataView or other data storage mechanism.
-) Access me.row and me.column to determine the row/column the container will display / is displaying.
-) Access the parent DataView via me.View
-) Set me.WantsEvents to false to prevent interaction and create a display-only container (from the users perspective)
-) Implement PrintHeight to return a height for printing when ExposeAllText is set
-) Impliment the PrintCell event to do your own custom code for printing